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Carly Tamer's Leadership Retreat Recap 5777/2017 (CTeen Connection)

CTeen is truly a sensational, powerful community. Just over a year ago, I had never heard of tefillin, the megillah, or the shema. Now, I say the shema every night. Not only has CTeen introduced me to my Jewish neshama, but it has enabled me to build new friendships that will last forever. One of the most rewarding parts of my CTeen experience has been documenting and capturing the magic of CTeen. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking on the role of CTeen West Suffolk’s videographer and was thrilled to be asked to do the same for CTeen Connection, our national online presence. This leadership retreat prepared me to take on the role of a CTeen leader for my chapter and presented me with the ingredients to fulfill the role of a leader to my fullest potential. This experience also allowed me to network with other teen leaders from around the country and to create memories that will forever be a part of my CTeen journey. From exhilarating team building activities to meaningful life lessons, this trip prepared me to make my mark as an inviting and influential CTeen leader.

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